of Canterbury, and continued so till the same was The Callis Court gang was a notorious band of smugglers. It was finally rendered outmoded by improved rail travel, which opened up attractions much further afield. King Charles II was most fortunate that his Treaty of Dover remained secret for a hundred years. This was a strategic disaster for Spain, which henceforth would struggle to defend its empire. War was duly declared, and the 3rd Dutch War proved another calamity. Sadly, his attempt 10 years later to swim across Niagara Falls proved one feat too many. The ramifications were serious for the ruling caste, which reacted by seeking to limit personal freedoms. On the afternoon of September 18th, 1692, there occurred the most powerful earthquake ever recorded on the mainland of north-west Europe. Even before its first pit was operational, the Kent Coalfield suffered its worst accident. Disgraced Cabinet Minister Jonathan Aitken was the MP for South Thanet (formerly Thanet East) for 23 years, albeit not a Man of Kent. acres of land, of which about seventy are woodland. The Maidstone Typhoid Epidemic was national news for months: nearly 2,000 were infected, and at least 132 died. It started when depot manager Colin Dixon was kidnapped on the A249 near Stockbury by fake police. It may just have been symbolic of broader resistance by Kent people, but its basic truth is witnessed by subsequent events. The pub was hurriedly cleared, and local residents were being warned when the bomb went off. 2). Their trial consisted in being dunked in the river. It could have been worse, however. After divorcing Jacqueline, Humphrey settled with Eleanor at Placentia Palace in Greenwich, where they ran a celebrated court frequented by the artistic slebs of the day. Despite days of disruption, the wreckage was removed, the bridge rebuilt, and the lines re-laid within six weeks. [4] Uhtred was forced to return north when Cnut began raiding his lands around Bamburgh, and was killed after submitting to Cnut. Margaret surrendered after a fortnight and became the first woman to be imprisoned in the Tower. The Germans waved a white flag before firing again, but surrendered properly when one was hit in the foot. De Ruyter is hailed today in Holland as a national hero on a par with Nelson, and the transom of the Royal Charles is displayed proudly in Amsterdams Rijksmuseum. The first was on December 21st, 1914, amounting to two bombs dropped into the sea off Dover by a German seaplane. He engaged a businessman named George Jones to realise it. There was panic in the dark, and 293 people were drowned, including the captain. The bodies and body parts were collected and identified as well as possible, a mass grave was dug at Lenham, and, after dark, all were buried together by lantern light. On its third run, Maxim and his two crew went so fast that the plane broke its restraints. side, a magnificent monument, with the statue of a gentleman, as It was at the time the highest loss of life in a British road accident. French inventor Clment Ader later claimed rather dubiously to have flown even earlier, but it seems more likely that only Maxims failure to commercialise his invention cost Bexley a place in history. The atmosphere was oppressively muggy, and eventually turned to storms; yet nobody expected what happened on Thursday, May 25th. By the name of Park-fields, which This was John Any Bird Bell, 14, from a Rochester poor-house. The fields here are full of the remains of those slain Before long, Kirkby was obliged to merge the Post into the new title, which has continued to serve Canterbury as a weekly until the present day. and Robert William; for they had, in the 46th year of the nobility and gentry of this county. Wall, vicar of Shoreham, whose only daughter and A favoured destination was Elizabethan England, with its sympathetic Protestant work ethic. Lying in wait was a squad of armed excisemen ready to make arrests and confiscate loot. Kitty Hawk, NC is famous for hosting the first powered flight, by the Wright brothers in 1903; but what of Bexley, Kent? By 785, Offa was plainly the direct ruler of Kent, having subsumed it into his Mercian domain. The accident prompted the introduction of the Truculent light on submarines to improve visibility. Subsequently led by both Indira and Rajiv Gandhi, it long remained the dominant force in Indian politics, with occasional interruptions by the BJP, whose longest tenure of power commenced in 2014. It lies on the River Darent, 3 miles (5 km) north of Sevenoaks. Wyatt was left isolated when the plot was exposed, but assembled an army of 1,500 men of the best shire at Rochester. Several people fell ill, and one child died; but the cause remained unknown. This time, Louis gave up for good. Cities all over England were targeted, so it was inevitable that Canterbury would be among them. The idea met with opposition from pacifists, but was championed by its first director general, Rochester-born Sir Martin Conway. JOHN CHARMAN by will, gave 20s. Rail travel was never the safest in the Victorian era, and accidents were commonplace. Walter Arnold of East Peckham was something of a pioneer of the British automotive industry. The Brigadier described a scene of total devastation. It was doubly auspicious that the locals should have won it. A suave, high-living Etonian, he was considered for the part of James Bond in the movie series, but distinguished himself instead as an obsessive gambler. John (alias William) Nevison is barely remembered today, but was a scourge in his time and certainly did not lack ingenuity. the manor of Otford Stuyens, alias Sergeants Otford, By the C19, Penenden Heath had been a place of execution for around a millennium. The usual condemnations were issued, a solemn funeral procession took place, a commemorative bandstand was built, and the perpetrators went to ground. On their release, the Kent five were banqueted in London, and hailed as heroes back in Maidstone. Someone else subsequently admitted to the offence on his deathbed. 1699, t. On June 1st, 1942, in response to the RAFs destruction of Cologne, the city was carpet-bombed by 77 aircraft carrying forty tons of bombs; 43 people were killed and 800 buildings destroyed, with many more damaged. There was significant damage in Folkestone four miles away. Poignantly, the accident occurred only a mile or two from the site of the Lewisham rail crash ten years earlier. Through his sister Henrietta, he initiated secret talks with her brother-in-law, King Louis XIV the despotic Sun King. Six were killed. 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. In July 1216, he headed back east to remedy the omission. Some of Toms followers fled, but he was left with about 40 men armed with sticks. It was however the beginning of the end for him. It is therefore in the highest degree unlikely that Canute would have placed . Along with fellow Cantabrigians Kim Philby, Guy Burgess, Anthony Blunt, and John Cairncross, he formed a fifth column that cost countless British agents their lives. All the crew bar one were rescued. As the Ramsgate train had gone through two warning signals, the driver was charged with unlawful killing, but acquitted at a second trial. The archbishop himself holds Otefort in demesne. On December 23rd, 1912, Hardinge and his wife Winifred were riding an elephant near the Red Fort in Delhi to celebrate the transfer of the capital from Calcutta. one hundred pounds per annum, the house and glebe In view of his past record, he was hanged. Unfortunately, it was unable to withstand the depredations of Danish Vikings, and what remained of it eventually fell into the sea. With the Napoleonic Wars over, the Royal Navy had unused resource. A statue was erected at Dover to mark his achievement. This wind really was an ill one. No sooner than the Hundred Years War with France ended in 1453, the aristocracy got the Wars of the Roses started. But the former in that year About 120 vessels had taken shelter in the Downs, normally a safe haven. four sons and one daughter; he left surviving Charles and Elizabeth; arms at top, Polhill with impalements; several memorials As crowds watched from the clifftops, three rescue boats put out. What did make a difference was the quick thinking of a truck driver who positioned his vehicle to force others to slow down. The defendant was later granted clemency and transported; but the incident helps explain why the Indian National Congress, founded in 1885 by Kent-born Allan Hume, was initially unpopular, and Russell Street survives. Before being packed off to a detention camp, the Germans were taken to The Sportsman for a beer or two. exchanged by archbishop Cranmer with Henry VIII. half, and there they have in demesne 3 carucates, and 16 On August 20, In retrospect, some of the IRA outrages during the Troubles defy understanding. His plan was to hold the Admiralty to ransom by blockading the Thames. A pair of barges alongside had likewise disappeared. What changed things was the Battle of Waterloo. Siege of Dover: Old Bunyard, 2020. Disappearance of Lord Lucan: Old Bunyard, 2021. convenience, in their own possession. His reasoning was that all Indians must enjoy the same standard of justice as Britons, failing which their affection and allegiance could not be expected. At 9.16, it derailed at 70 mph between Hither Green and Grove Park. He was proclaimed King of England by his supporters, and went off to suppress much of the South, while John skulked in the West. 6). Between 1899 and 1914, he embarked on a new and lucrative practice: bigamy. lands in Essex; (fn. A crater 20 feet deep and 50 yards long was blown out of the seabed, and seismographic equipment on the west coast of America recorded an earthquake measuring 4.5. Britain, France, and Russia together would surely make light work of the Hun, and it would be over by Christmas. After getting a degree at Sheffield University, she became an engineer, but an even better pilot. A detachment of about 100 soldiers was despatched from Canterbury to deal with the uprising. for William Sidney and Alice his wife, descended from William Within a fortnight of the end of the phoney war in May 1940, a crisis had turned into a calamity. There is no doubt about either the barbarity of his premeditated crime or his guilt. (Cropped). In retrospect, some of the IRA outrages during the Troubles defy understanding. However, he was also found guilty of driving a horseless carriage, failing to have three persons in charge, and failing to display his name and address. Of the 26 buildings destroyed along with their contents, three were warehouses, four pubs, and 19 houses and shops. It endured for 151 years, until the Dissolution of the Monasteries rendered it unfit for purpose. Crucially, this incorporated a research & development programme, known as the Balloon Factory, which in 1882 moved to Chatham. The Kentish airfields Biggin Hill, Detling, Eastchurch, Gravesend, Hawkinge, Lympne, Manston, West Malling took a fearful pounding, but somehow remained operational. It was published as a weekly in Canterbury in 1717, but soon started appearing on both Wednesday and Saturday. Edmund then forced another Danish army to abandon its siege of London. he entertained that splendid prince king Henry VIII. Their leader, Joss Snelling from Broadstairs, favoured Botany Bay at Kingsgate as a landing place, it being suitably secluded but also offering caves and tunnels handy for handling quantities of contraband without detection. Nine men were flogged, 29 imprisoned, and 29 hanged, among them Parker. As a member of the occupying forces, he might have hoped to get off scot-free; but the chief justice of the supreme court of Bengal, Sir Henry Russell from Dover, insisted on a death sentence. William was no fool, however. Simultaneously, his wife and child were abducted from their Herne Bay home. Mr. James Martyr, who pulled the whole of it down, As a plaque records in Bearsted churchyard, however, it was a miscarriage. [1] Aethelred was invited by the English to return and Cnut was driven out of his base at Gainsborough after an English attack found him unprepared. end of the chancel a mural monument for George Petty and Anne The unsuspecting townsfolk found themselves on the end of a Viking-style raid as the invaders ran amok. [5][7] London also came to a settlement with Cnut, providing payment and winter quarters. Nevertheless, one story has survived of an encounter between Normans and Kentishmen, possibly near Swanscombe, when the invaders did not have things their own way. When Thomas Gardiner hurt himself in a fall, Joan Walliford embarrassed him by laughing. The invaders were routed, and Eustace was beheaded on deck. The first of these was fought in the year 773, when They were in fact overtly political, and included the dissolution of Parliament and peace with France. The King mounted a major siege that the Contrariants opted not to interfere with. As soon as France fell in June 1940, after just six weeks resistance to the German invasion, Churchill announced gloomily that the Battle of Britain was about to begin. Although not as strong as the 1382 earthquake, the one that occurred at 6pm on April 6th, 1580 had equally dramatic if rather different effects. battle of otford 1016 . whole of it, excepting the hall and the chapel, at the The accident was blamed on a faulty primer. They managed to take off the whole crew of 23 before she foundered. After sailors mutinied and took over Deal, Sandwich, and Walmer, the Earl of Norwich landed, leading an armed insurrection in Kent and Essex coinciding with a revolt in Wales and invasion from Scotland. Late on the evening of Wednesday, November 16th, 1869, a fire broke out in Whitstable that turned into a major conflagration. According to Henry of Huntingdon, the Mercians were victorious at this battle near Sevenoaks. With the French planning an invasion of England, it was designed to prevent them using the recently completed Ostend-Bruges canal to transport troops. Although Sandwichs population was already swollen by Dutch Protestant immigrants, poor Huguenot refugees were awarded 50 shillings by the authorities. Kings now can accommodate around 900 pupils in 16 houses, of which 13 are boarding-houses. Not until 1948 was he suspected, when codebreakers got access to his likely identity; yet still he hung on. On August 20th, 1944, she was lying at anchor with a cargo of ammunition when she began to drag anchor. He had however omitted one decisive factor from his calculations: a few men and women dressed in blue uniforms. Regarded as a gentleman among his peers, he eschewed violence and never stole from the poor. Its publisher was James Abree, who eventually distributed it in all major Kent towns east of the Medway. Her life ended tragically. Maintenance was criticised, especially as the speed limit had recently been increased. Its foundation date actually makes it the oldest continuously existing school in the world, the Kings School in Rochester (founded 604) being a relative stripling. the manor of Le Rye, in Otford, in the second year May 29, 2022 in new york v united states quizlet. Two columns of flames seconds apart leapt 300 feet into the air, marking the spot where the 395-foot ship had lain moments before. Any murder featured in the Chamber of Horrors at Madame Tussauds waxworks must be extraordinary. for the residence of the archbishops at it for such a of Kippington, in Sevenoke, Hertfordshire. The debacle nevertheless remains a landmark in the revolutionary mythos. Four years later, work began on the first iron pier. Newspapers started showing up around Europe in the C17. This led only to a further escalation. In the 770s Kent's rulers were resisting their demotion to subkings. At 6.15pm on September 16th, 1918, Commander NW Diggle was on the Dover cliffs when he heard an explosion, and saw his ship HMS Glatton on fire. This was a smart move, because Badlesmeres wife Margaret was known to detest her. After a very Kentish show of defiance, they gave up. They were in fact called Lollards, meaning something like Mumblers. Kent was particularly badly hit, being right in the path of the fiercest winds. expence of 33,000l. Sir George Harper, anno 33 king Henry VIII. Being a Sheerness resident is not that different from living on the side of Vesuvius. His belief in the project was vindicated by the fact that, when it opened at the Crystal Palace in Penge in 1920, 94,179 visited on the first bank holiday after its opening, and 2.3 million in the first 18 months. A packed Sunday-evening train was travelling from Hastings to Charing Cross with many standing passengers. It was while teaching at Charterhouse School that he discovered he could make a charge migrate along a stick. With matters running out of control, the Home Secretary sent in the military. Their names and locations within the grave were recorded in a sealed bottle buried under a cross. year of king James I. bearing then the title of lord It was too late. Six months after the HMS Bulwark disaster, a near carbon-copy occurred. On the narrow bridge, one of the horses spooked, causing a wheel to crash through the balustrade. This free content was digitised by double rekeying. The three kingdoms united under Cnut's rule are referred to together as the North Sea Empire. After they had lodged for three days at Rochester, the lad led him astray, hit him over the head, cut his throat, robbed him, and disappeared. In January 1861, a minor incident led within days to a major insurrection at St Marys Island Prison in Chatham. youngest son of Thomas Polhill, esq. south isle, on the south side, is a mural monument, of elegant That demand was rebutted in 1635 by an English book, Mare Clausum (Closed Sea), to which Charles lent his weight by having this powerful ship built. This Operation Dynamo was not only conducted by Royal Navy vessels, but also a flotilla of 700 shallow-draught Little Ships of every description from across the South East, most crewed by Navy sailors. Its first TV appearance was similarly blighted. side towards the east and west. The first Navigation Act in 1651 aimed to hamper Dutch shipping, and inevitably stoked tensions. It remained there for four years, but was then taken to South Kensington. to their being surveyed, and sold to supply the necessities of the state. was returned, that Otford was a parsonage, rented at Mr. Polhill has a field in this parish, called Dane [10], A monument to historical events in Brentford, including the 1016 battle, stands outside the County court in Brentford. 173 passengers and crew were rescued, though the ship was plundered by vultures sailing from Ramsgate, who even stole from the dead. All three planes came down within a radius of 100 yards. She ascertained that the tenant, 29-year-old bricklayer Sharrock Bragg, had taken a hammer to his wife Mary, and then their 5-year-old daughter Ellen, and finished by cutting his own throat with a razor. English archers used the wind to wreak havoc, whilst lime was released into French eyes. Demands was presented that eventually went well beyond those of the Spithead mutineers. Otford. The last Kent mine closed in 1989. Otford, which stands at the foot of the chalk hills in The cause was never definitively established. Seaman Thomas Atkins was swept from the sinking Mary onto the deck of the Stirling Castle, which itself was about to capsize. It battered the town for hours, as monstrous waves up to road level flooded the streets. When nobody seriously attempted the feat in 1908, the prize was raised to 1,000 a mere stunt in many peoples eyes, given that the feat was obviously unachievable. They from their fields can see the countenance Of your fierce war, may ken the glittering lance And hear you shouting forth your brave intent. Popular reaction was predictably hostile, especially in Kent. Here is a newspaper article from 1835 about the site of the battle and remains being found. The rest of the town police force was immediately summoned, but the flames took hold, and rapidly spread to neighbouring buildings. The battle took place at Otford, in the modern English county of Kent. The Hospital was closed in 1809, and the buildings were turned over first to the Royal Naval College and later the University of Greenwich. We are so accustomed to the idea of smuggling as the pastime of romantic rogues that we overlook the savage reality. Lewisham rail crash: St Johns Lewisham Rail Crash Geograph-2042851 by Ben Brooksbank,licensed under CC BY 2.0. At 7.45am, when they were called to breakfast, several charges were left temporarily beside a bulkhead. Great South-Eastern Flood: Kent Cinque Ports by Clem Rutter, Rochester, Kent, licensed under CC BY 2.5. add it to his own domains. After living mostly off the charity of the local Priory, it fell on hard times when Henry VIII dissolved the monasteries. He faced a doughty opponent: Hubert de Burgh from Norfolk, a veteran defender of sieges. 18) to Humphrey Although the outcome of the b The waves demolished a portion of the white cliffs at Dover, bringing down part of the Castle wall with it. The RAF got the Gloster Meteor flying by July 1944, too late to have any great impact. It was his job to read out the charge, demand the Kings plea, and later announce the death sentence. The high road from others, to his kinsman, Sir Richard Betenson, bart At 10.45 on the evening of Sunday, June 2nd, 1844, a policeman called Henry Wickham noticed flames in Mrs Sandfords shrimp-boiling shop in West Street, Gravesend. Although safety was inevitably iffy, what happened in 1926 shocked the nascent industry. Oakwood Hospital fire: Barming Asylum now Oakwood Hospital. parish officers, to be paid out of land vested in Mr. Polhill, and The motives of the French are unclear, though it could have been a pre-emptive strike in support of the baguette. The source of the uncertainty is the wreck of the SS Richard Montgomery, 1 miles offshore. A mass parachute drop beyond Dover was to isolate the port, after which the ruination of battlefield Kent was assured. The store was blown apart, and the damage widespread: the neighbouring Co-op was also destroyed, along with many vehicles in the street. US President Franklin struck medals, and sent donatives for the rescuers families. Its most famous production was Calpe, a 438-ton wooden paddle-driven steamship ordered by the American & Colonial Steam Navigation Company in 1825. Around 5,000 Britons were killed, and 850 Romans. Louis departed the scene, returning in May 1217 to renew his assault with a huge siege engine. Luckily, his son Edmund Ironside was made of sterner stuff. The strike folded after a year, albeit not in Kent. Britannia, built in 1806, made just one voyage to China and India. On September 25th, 1975, an alert sapper called David Campbell noticed something suspicious beneath a car parked opposite the Hare & Hounds, a pub facing Maidstone Prison that was frequented by soldiers from the adjacent Royal Engineers barracks. The next morning, men from Broadstairs and Margate dragged another lifeboat two miles through the snow to Foreness Point, where the ship was now on the rocks. A man at Warren Street was nearly decapitated by a flying corrugated roof. which he now resides. Not everything could be made good with money, however. 53 suspects were tried, of whom all bar five abjured their error and were made to do penance. As a finale, the structure would be spectacularly burned down. Now, with William of Orange on the throne, it was another story. The archbishops of Canterbury had, from the earliest accounts, a HOUSE Or PALACE here, in which they of Sevenoke, by whom he had no issue. King Edward VI. Bizarrely, there had been no warning of the storms sudden genesis, and most were asleep when it raced past. Sandwich, which had been Englands biggest trading port outside London, never got over it. One warship, the Antelope, had its anchor cables severed by a merchant ship, the Dolphin, and was blown onto the Goodwin Sands. The former operated out of Dover, the latter Ramsgate. It was therefore re-designed by Sir Christopher Wren as todays distinctive four blocks, preserving a riverine view through their middle. The blame was placed on slack man-management by warders who, having worked only on prison hulks, were unused to conventional prison methods. At 7.53am, the charges exploded, igniting hundreds of 6- and 12-inch shells. of it, the king's licence to assign four marcs yearly The rail crash that occurred on Wednesday, August 24th, 1927 was not just fatal. The charge, demand the kings plea, and later announce the death sentence drop beyond battle of otford 1016 was hold! Especially as the speed limit had recently been increased grave were recorded in a fall, Joan Walliford him. To mark his achievement their contents, three were warehouses, four,. 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