It may seem inconvenient but there reasons for it, not the least of which is who is earning any interest on the account.Keep in mind that in law, that joint bank account belongs to your father, not to you, but that's a story for another post.Since I know nothing at all about your father, his marital situation, his assets, his debts, or anything else, I really couldn't say what you need to do. No bank wants funds to flow out. He is depositing estate money into his personal account instead of an "Estate" account. The will called for my sister and I to each receive 45% of the proceeds and the other 10% would be distributed evenly among my sisters two kids and my two kids. Neither of those situations is ideal, but you can only work with the situation you're in.Lynne. The loan would be repaid with interest before the final disbursements. You can open an estate bank account after initiating probate and petitioning the court for formal recognition as executor or administrator. Utter incompetence on their part considering they should have informed me of this long ago. The house just had a major fire and two of the executors want to sell the house as is (with the fire damage), settle with the insurance company and distribute the settlement proceeds as part of the estate. Hi LyneI am the executor of my mother's estate . So you couldn't have used that account to avoid probate. . Hi Lynne.My mother passed away in September and my brother and I are co executors. Will I need to open an Estate Account? Right now she acts as though she is doing me a "favour" but trying to replace the bank draft but takes on responsibility at all and definitely refuses to sign it telling the bank excuses but telling me she will not sign her life away. It'll happen. I have set aside more than enough to cover that expense. must i wait for court probate? Will taxes apply to your estate in Canada? One is in C$ and one in US$ to handle any subsequent legacy dividends from her investments, before I could get them organized, transferred to me, and sold to cash. most of her property was gifted to me before her death. That really is an awful story. If all of that is paid up, the funds go to his beneficiaries. They did have one joint account. The problem with joint accounts between parents and kids is that the banks are really inconsistent in their treatment of them. She did have a will but unfortunately it was not signed. RBC has made a royal mess for me to contend with. Lynne. If I open an estate account and deposit the funds from both accounts(100,000) dos that account have to be probated? Question we have just received a cheque to the Estate of my Father, so don't know what to do with it. However, you can call and enquire if you don't want to make a special appointment with a banking representative. There are 5 of us siblings and my 4 siblings have all agreed that I would take care of Mom's account. My context for the question was a little different: an estate account with two trustees specified in the will who are to pay bills for someone in a house who is not being given direct access to the money. I cant help but think that the financial advisor was incompetent and forgot to file the paperwork as I have been told too many conflicting stories. They can object to them if they think the expenses are inappropriate.To protect yourself, keep all paperwork such as receipts, cancelled cheques, work orders, bank statements, etc. The cheque isn't written to you or to your husband, which is why it cannot be deposited. The TD bank allowed my brother to even close accounts, and cash in GICs and made all assets payable to him. If they still won't comply, you will probably have to hire a lawyer to write a letter to them for you.Lynne. You don't have to wait until the will is probated. Also consider the fact that when a lawyer holds funds in trust, the interest earned on the funds is paid to the Law Foundation and not to clients. Real Estate in Ontario, such as a house, condo, apartment or cottage, in the name of the deceased or as tenants in common. We put it on our firm letterhead. My mom didnt want her money going to the government, which is why she put me as beneficiary and was in a long term care home since and not able to go the credit union which was hours away. Is there any reason why my sister would not be able to transfer to me half of the shares and cash in the investment account at this time? Estate accounts are 'prepared by the estate trustee'. The banks have always agreed to this (with only one exception) because the funds aren't going to the executor or anyone else besides the court. So, my question is -- where do I go from here? You then take the drafts and deposit them into the estate account. A couple of months pass until her house was sold and the sale closed a week ago. I advised my husband to find another bank, because after I talked to the TD Manager, wanting to understand what they told him, the branch manager talked over me too. Banks do have an alternate process in place for cases like this where the cost of probate would take the whole account. Therefore she can open the account, receive funds on behalf of the estate, pay bills etc all before she gets the probate.Lynne. But bank policy about the probate requirement is made at the higher levels and the local branches only have so much flexibility. The lawyer handling his mother's estate wants to write the cheque to my name with Executor of the Estate of (my husbands name). If you are not applying for probate for any other reason, I don't see why you would apply for it because of a small cheque. Other things might also flow through that estate account, such as the CPP death benefit. It should list there what paperwork they need. Their concern is allowing money to be paid to someone, then finding out later there were other beneficiaries that should have been included. My mother maintains the joints account she had with my grandmother who passed away 4 years ago. The only joint wills I've ever heard of are the kind where there is only one document shared between two people, and those haven't been done for about 50 years in most of Canada. An estate account makes it easy for the executor to endorse and deposit these payments. I opened up an estate account when my mother's CPP Death Benefit came in. we are now waiting to hear from CRA, and if everything is ok he will apply for clearance certificate. Contact the financial institution for more information. My father was a street person, so they helped to budget his money. All payments coming out of the estate account are the responsibility of the executor. I am executor for an estate of someone who lived and died in Alberta. Even the bank manager was surprised they had no mechanism to inform clients. Check the motor vehicles registry web page in your province. I suspect what they are talking about is that certain beneficiaries, such as spouses, usually have 6 months to make a claim against an estate, so executors usually wait out that time period. I recently opened an estate account at a bank and they refuse to give me online access. However, what do you mean by joint wills? He had power of attorney. Geography means I cannot do it in person. I have received the probate, and can access to the Estate bank account, and wonder if I could just go to the bank and withdraw money for my reimbursement? On July 21, I escalated my complaint to that bank's ombudsman. They don't give the retail branch staff any training and their policies are poorly understood and inconsistently administered. My husband is executor and the only child and only beneficiary. Please help. Asked by: Ozella Braun | Last update: February 9, 2022. I am also the executor and there are also 3 monetary gifts and the rest is divided up between her 3 kids. Please advise, No, you don't have to wait for probate. What sort of resistance am I likely to encounter from the bank when I try to close them? I think that's all they've been used for to date. slips. I have read your previous responses which state the authority comes from the will and not the probate; so is it necessary for the FI holding the estate account to know the expected value of assets flowing through it? Bank Accounts Notify the bank and identify yourself as the executor. One lawyer told my mother, that she had a case against the three banks, but of course she was dying and had no money except for her pension, which he took, convincing her he had made a deal for my brother to return the money, and pay thousands in legal fees, to the lawyer. Thank you. Sometimes not applying to administer the estate is the best strategy.Lynne. It's possible to use the lawyer's trust account, but that's not usually the most efficient way because, as you say, you have to pay the lawyer each time he/she does something with the account. Neither happened. Also I was named sole beneficiary of this cheque (insurance claim), Hi there my husband and deseaesed father in law had a joint account together now my FIL didn't have a will..can he still deposited life insurance cheques into the personal account (only child) or will he still have yo open up a estate account ?will our lawyer still have yo go to court to make him executar of estate? If you are the administrator, who has set up the estate account?Is the account actually an estate account, or is it simply your sister's account that was in place at the time she died? Of course they are not allowed to change your father's beneficiary designation. Any advice you may be able to offer would be appreciated. My clients have been told all kinds of idiotic things when they go to set up estate accounts. Something like that might make a bank reluctant to accept the will without the backing of the court. So with Mom's money and the estate cheque it would be around $5,000. Hi Lynne, I had POA for my mum, who had dementia. No debits. The ONLY cheque to come in was a refund from the cable company (5 months after I cancelled her account, PRIOR to her passing), and it is made payable to her estate, with my name and address underneath. Hi lynne,My mother passed away in late October. The simple answer is that the people in the branch have no idea how to deal with estates. And I don't feel that I should be opening an account for this in my personal name. What can I do? Thanks. I have made sure his loan and funeral expenses have been paid for and any government cheques have been paid back. Lynne- Using the example from Marsha: Can the account have links to automatic bill payments with registered companies, so all three trustees don't need to be in person to pay every single bill? It's as if the deceased were being taxed, rather than their heirs. There is no property, only accounts/investments. Went in to my local branch to start distributing funds to the beneficiaries when to my utter shock was informed the Probate papers had been rejected by the Estate Dept's legal wing due to the inability to read to signatures on the will, thus not allowing me to touch any of the funds. Whether or not he exceeded his authority is a matter for a judge in a civil court to decide so it muddies the water. There is still estate activities going through her bank account and I recently switched her mortgage company. Yes, you can, assuming you've already paid all estate debts and liabilities.Lynne. Perhaps the house would fetch more if it were repaired and restored, but the executors will have to balance that off against the cost of repairs, the cost of insurance and property tax during that time, the odds that the market will stay strong, how much of a gain in price there is likely to be, and the patience (or lack of it) on the part of the beneficiaries. No, no, no.It is absolutely NOT up to them to decide that something was done too close to your mother's death! I know, everyone thinks that this joint account thing works, but they find out differently when the parent passes away. With great rewards, interest and unlimited and free transactions and Interac e-Transfers, it rivals and beats all other youth accounts in the country. Thanks for your opinions. My lawyer has said the same thing. If you did not obtain the permission of the court to step down, you are still the executor. I certainly hope that the bank will verify by looking at the will, as this is what they are supposed to do. I am an executor of my father's estate jointly with my sister. Do I have any rights to see this paperwork? Thanks, Yes, the executor has complete control over the bank account.No, the executor cannot take executor fees until either the beneficiaries agree (usually by signing a release) or the court orders it.Yes, the executor can close the account at any time, but it would be pretty unusual to close it if there were still estate funds.Lynne. In law, you have no right to do so because you've been given the cheque as executor, which means it's in trust for the beneficiaries of the estate. But the underlying question is -- what to do with this situation of having no will. The primary focus of the Account Specialist, Real Estate is to prepare credit applications, actively participate in credit structuring, risk management and client facing support. I hope other parents read your story because it shows just how careful you have to be when appointing your own kids. Every bank will have an estate department that deals with death and living wills. She has no real assets. Try to take the wishes of the beneficiaries into consideration if you can. You tell them. I am a retired Branch Manager from another financial institution, so her attitude did not sit well with me and basically this manger argued with me on the phone. I charge $400 for that.Lynne. Clip: "If you're an executor, however, you can open the [estate] account at any time once you take charge of the estate. Just be sure to keep detailed records of what came in and how you used the funds so that you can explain it all later.Lynne, My mother was killed suddenly and although she requested I be her executor she neglected to sign her will properly. When you stepped down, I assume that you did so with the permission of the court, as that is the only legal way a person acting as executor can step down. We two are the only benficaiaries. Our mother had her checking and an investment account with them. Not the same thing. The other is to ask the funeral home to wait until the house sells. In some states and in some estate situations, estate accounts are restricted. My sister was sole executor for my dads will two years ago with all three adult children as equal beneficiaries. investments of 25k held at multiple institutions), is it right for the bank to request probate for the operation of the estate account? As trustee, I am unable to distribute or transfer the funds of the Estate. Her authority to deal with estate assets comes from the will itself, not the probate. Should I be opening up an estate account in the deceased name? This might not matter if the funds are held for only a very short time, but if they are held for longer, an executor is expected to show an investment return. Hello. What would be the purpose of such a designation if people could just ignore them?I'm not an accountant, but my understanding is that the RRSP will be fully taxable when it is paid into the estate. Does the annual audit of accounts reflect this inaction? The bank now says I have to wait 6 months before disbursing to beneficiaries. The bank also notified me that they can't open an account in branch and I would have to wait 2 weeks for the estate account to be set up. In determining the level of risk, they should take into account that there is a will and it leaves everything to your mother. I am the executor of my uncle's estate. They have no say over what an executor does with an estate account. However, an executor does have the right to use whatever bank he or she chooses, and it makes sense to go where you feel comfortable and have received good service. She isn't in the running here. Probate is slow because her state pension came from UK along with a small occupational pension. I also have been told that I will have to get the estate value to pay the Estate Death tax for probate at the same time as this application for estate trustee goes. After it is all said and done the money will be divided between all 5 of us. This is because a grant of probate is an order of the court that indemnifies everyone who follows it. How can I get them to allow me to do this. Thank you for your answer! Had she appointed someone honest, this wouldn't have happened, but I'm sure she had no reason not to trust him. That's very heavy-handed of them! Hello Lynne,My mom passed away in January of this year and about 7 months before that she changed beneficiary on her investment account and TFSA from the estate to me. If it is only bank policy and not law, however, I am going to protest this, as my brother was laid off a while back and could really use his share of the funds now. We represent both estate trustees and beneficiaries deal with this crucial part of the estate administration process. Is it different when somebody has no chequing/savings accounts? My husband is the executor of his fathers account. Getting the will to Probate is going to take a bit of time. All of her finances had us listed as 50/50 beneficiaries and have been paid out to us, including her bank account of 24000. Not to mention this was a real wish of our father and our Mom is retired without any other income. This is what the law says you are supposed to do. However, that is none of the bank's business. Can my sister disburse fees from my fathers estate accounting to reimburse my brother for return air fare and to me for gas mileage, when we attended his rental to remove his belongings and sell his assets? I had Mom's bank card as she always had me use it in the stores because her dementia was getting worse and she was too confused to use the interac or bank machine. I'm very sorry to hear about your son. Hi Lynne. A friend passed and named myself or my husband executor and also sole beneificiaries. As far as the bank is concerned, your father's account is still HIS account and not an estate account until the probate has come through. One is to pay for the funeral up front and reimburse yourselves after the house sells. You will find forms for transferring a vehicle after the death of the owner. Our property is the same size. What if my sister didn't put my name (co-executor) n the account? He was a financial broker and received commissions from the insurance company, These commissions are to continue to me but the insurance co. can only make them payable to my husband's name>(because they are only payable to a broker). Hello My 24 year old son passed away oct 28 i found his gst cheque dated oct 5 that he signed is it ok to cash it or wat do i do ? I guess my question is do they have the right to not release the money once probate has been granted? Use any other estate funds you have been able to gather, such as the CPP death benefit or the sale of household contents. is there any legislation preventing them from doing so? This seems to directly contravene the CRA website for these types of accounts. If the cheque was signed by the POA after your client passed away, it is not valid because the authority of the POA ends upon the death of the donor.You will probably have to speak with the executor of the estate to have the cheque replaced.Lynne. Do I just issue cheques from the estate account and the cancelled cheque is proof? Does my daughter have to pay taxes on this as income for the year? Unfortunately there is no law I can draw on to give you permission to by-pass the legal requirements of estate administration.Lynne. Per the CRA website a T4RRSP/T4LIF/T4RRIF should be issued showing fair market value on date of deat, and interest earned from DOD until the end of the year. . Hi Lynne, My brother is the executor of my mothers estate. Hi Lynne, Your blog has been very helpful to me as I go through the process of administering my fathers estate after he died without a will. I assume what is going on is that your husband was the sole owner of the funds. The rest of it does not. Hi Mike,You can close the estate accounts whenever you have paid out all of the funds. The taxes on capital gains on the shares were paid after filing my father's final tax return. I am in BC. Will probate be necessary for this? The duty of the executors is to maximize the estate as best they can. Earn a limited-time savings rate with the Momentum PLUS Savings Account 7. I'm frustrated just reading your note; I can just imagine how frustrated you must be. Can I simply deposit the cheque to her bank account and withdraw it? Death benefits are administered by the federal government. TD won't cash the cheque, saying it needs to go into an estate account. Can you confirm when I take the tax bill to the bank it can be paid from his estate. I was under the impression from my mother's lawyer who handed me notarial copies of her will that that document gave me the legal right to proceed and get any bank accounts changed from her name individually to "The Estate of.." There is real estate and rental properties involved, with rent payments coming in and on-going expenses to be paid on a monthly basis. is, however I am just doing it myself to save money as everything was straight forward and I am paying all bills as they come in. If there is not enough and you have to take funds out of the sale of the house, then you have a couple of choices. If that executor feels strongly about it, he or she can give funds from their executor's fee or from their share of the estate.Lynne. The other financial company with all the investments left, did not require probate and it was a significant sum. You said they are waiting for a form to be received at the bank, but from whom? Once you are proven to be the executor, the bank has no control over what you do with the money because they bear no liability. He has a spouse. She only gets $60 back because that is what she had deducted every year. Is this a common practice? My brother convinced the lawyer he was paying the bills, when in fact he was taking the money I put into the bill paying account, as the bills were paid automatically. By the way, I checked out your site and it's really unique and interesting.Lynne, Is this a special category of account at the bank or can one just open a regular bank account with the name on the account as you've described above. Estate Planning. Now is also a great time to set up a WILL because you never know when you'll need it. Your bank is doing what any bank would do in the circumstances. The sole real asses, a condo, sold in December of 2018. Hello Lynne,My father passed away last April, and as my mother is still living and all accounts were jointly held, it was a simple process of transfer of ownership. Do it in person in Alberta joint accounts between parents and kids that. If you can close the estate cheque it would be around $ 5,000 government cheques have able! 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