Manappuram Academy of Professional Education, started in 2013, is mandated to offer coaching classes for CA-Foundation, CA-IPCC (Intermediate Course), CA –Final and CMA courses. Presently, these courses are offered at our Valapad and Thrissur Centres. The success rate of the Academy is very high compared to the All India Pass Percentage of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). Since the inception of the Academy , 85 students passed CA-Foundation Course (formerly known as CA –CPT), 48 students passed CA- Intermediate Group 1 and 16 students successfully completed both groups & thus qualified for CA Final Course and 50 students of the Academy are undergoing articleship. The new centre at Thrissur , started in 2017, caters to new as well as Articleship Students. We also offer CMA coaching at Thrissur Centre.
The progress we have achieved in CA coaching has come about thanks to the active cooperation and support extended by the principals and teachers of schools in our neighborhood who have been recommending their brilliant students to our Academy.